Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pictures from Kyoto and Shimizu, 14&15..4.09

It poured all day when we went from Osaka to Kyoto, and it was cold. Pictured here us the Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion and garden) and the Heian Jingu Shrine. It is customary for the believers to wash before entering. Pictured here, one man not only washed his hands, but drank from the cup, also.
The garden at the Golden Pavilion is beautiful!
We were very fortunate to be able to see Mt. Fuji very clearly, even from the ship, while we were in Shimizu, and there was local entertainment on the pier.
During the entire time that we were in Japanese territorial waters, there was a complete blackout on all electronic equipment, such that we were without use of computers and telephones from -April 11 to 17! If I meant to write more, I have long since forgotten; sorry.

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