Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Cu Chi Tunnels, Viet Nam

I have just returned from a most interesting and informative tour of the Cu Chi Tunnels in the vicinity of Ho Chi Minh City. These tunnels were what made it possible for the Vietnamese to conquer the Viet Cong in 1975, and fool the Americans. I will publish the pictures in Facebook. It was an ingenious way to discourage further warfare, as the "guerillas" appeared to come from nowhere, and just as quickly, disappear, but when one views the entrances to this vast conglomeration of tunnels, as well as their booby traps, it is much easier to understand why the Americans were discouraged.
Viet Nam is still a Communist country, but in actual fact, they are very interested in capitalist policies, and the country is developing at a rapid rate; it appears to be VERY Westernized, at least superficially, although all the major industries are owned by the government, and although there is no income tax, as such, there is a VAT that can go as high as 10%, depending on the item. There is a high literacy rate, and although tuition is reasonable, the cost of uniforms, etc. add to the cost, making it difficult for some. Families appear to be close knit, and the favorite mode of transportation is still the motor bike.
The food is very good, everywhere, and the weather has been hot, hot, hot! There is no need for a diuretic in this climate, because the sweat just pours out, and there is nothing left to eliminate.
We are now headed for the central part of the country, which should be quite different from the South, and eventually, we will get to Hanoi, in the north.
There is still more to do on the ship than one has time for, and it's not always an easy choice, but the time passes quickly

1 comment:

P said...

Mom, you are making me to consider this when I become less encumbered of maintaining residences. It certainly is great hearing it through your eyes and words. Hope all is well. Did you get my anniversary wishes. I haven't seen a real email from you in a while. Do you get notified when I write these comments? All the Philippe