Monday, February 9, 2009

How I froze on a hot day!

Monday, 9 Feb. 09
Today was a stop in Fiji, but I didn't go ashore, and from what I understand, I was smart not to do so! Everyone practically melted, it was so hot ashore. Also, most people agreed that it was not very interesting. Instead, I did a laundry, and went down to the Computer Room to try to catch up with assignments. That part was fine, but it was absolutely freezing in there! I had to get a sweater in addition to my jacket. After lunch, I played bridge with a very good player as a partner, but her cards were awful all afternoon, and that left me to play the games, and mostly I went down one! In the end, we came in at the bottom!
The sun was still on my balcony, so I read outside, and then took a nap before dinner. We have a pleasant table, which is always nice. I had a picture taken of me which I have now uploaded on Facebook.


Anonymous said...


between your blog and facebookI feel like I am onboard with you. You have quite a few "lurker"* friends BTW. Glad to see you are forgoing some things for others. Gwen and I never were much for the onboard entertainment either, we usually ate laong and late and went for walk then to bed at night. Keep on Posting....Love you,


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah lurker is someone who follows a thread (conversation or blog) without ever indicating their presence. They obseve and do not participate.


Anonymous said...

I know some lurkers too ;)