Monday, November 3, 2008

planning the next Cruise!

Friends have been asking me if I intend to keep up my blog again this coming year, and the answer is,"Yes". It is now November, 2008, and I am still in contact with a few people from the last cruise, making plans to join the 2009 World Cruise. If all goes well, I will spend a couple of days in Phoenix before joining the pre-cruise Gala in Los Angeles, and at the end, I expect to spend a few days in Massachusetts, before returning to Zürich.
I had a taste of winter driving this past week, (without snow tires) and know that I don't want to be here during winter weather!
I am not sure that I remember how to post pictures, but I will experiment, now, and see what happens.
If any of my friends read this, you can email me directly to let me know. Thanks, Ann

Friday, May 9, 2008

Another exciting day! Pyramids & Sphinx

I had the experience of riding a camel, which was rather strange, as the animal lurches with every step, but the worst was getting off without falling when the animal went down to ground level, since the front legs fold first, and the rider is thrown forward, from on high. It was quite difficult to walk over the uneven surfaces, and I was glad to have Fred's helping hand.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Pictures fromEgypt, including pigeon houses and pyramids

I'm back home! but far behind with pictures, etc.

Dear Friends,
(Sigh!) The trip of a life time is now in the past, and it will take me some time to readjust to reality!
The entire trip was interesting and enjoyable, but the last half was especially noteworthy and rather special. All along the way I was able to meet up with friends and former acquaintances in places like Christchurch, Melbourne, Sydney, Singapore, Mumbai, and Monte Carlo, plus almost, in Lisbon. I was also pleased to be able to make new friends and acquaintances on board, even up to the last day!
Coming home had its surprises, not all of which were positive! There was great difficulty getting the car battery to generate electriciy, and after being stranded in the middle of nowhere (while trying to keep the battery charging after it had been jump started) I finally had to call for professional help, and ended up getting a new battery. Fortunately, I guessed correctly at the address of the street where I was, because there were no street signs nearby! Then I could finally go to my daughter's for the dinner that had been announced for an hour earlier than I got there. On the way, there was a beautiful sunset, and I truly wanted to stop and take a picture. However, there was absolutely no place to pull over, and by the time I could, it was too late.
Today, I startted early on the mail and found a few things that needed urgent attention (like taxes which were due immediately, etc. Then, I was off to my appointment for a complete general checkup with the cardiologist, including chest x-ray (after all the coughing problems I had on board), blood work, EKG, etc. I had hardly finished, when it was already time for my appointment with the dentist (I had lost part of a tooth with filling about 6 weeks ago). I got home just in time to meet Marlyse, who arrived by bike for help in filling out some forms concerning the certificates that had been stolen over a year ago. By the time she left, I was exhausted and hungry, both, so I ate and used my massage bed for an hour.
I forget to mention that when I got to the airport lounge yesterday, two ladies from the Serenity
also joined me, so we chatted and the time passed rather quickly. Irma Wriggers went to Munich, and Louise O'Shea came all the way to Zürich with me. As I am leaving for Ascona for the weekend, we could only make a dinner date for Monday evening, May 12, before she leaves for Paris, and eventually Toronto.
I am not fully unpacked, yet, but I do have my train ticket for Ascona, and I have paid the tax bill. I received a lovely plant from my English Conversation Group, and they invited me to join them tomorrow afternoon for tea/coffee and a chat at a local tearoom. They are most curious to hear about the trip, and to see some pictures. Now, I am posting some of the pictures i had already prepared to do from the boat, but never found the time to do it.
It's very possible that I will never complete this story! However, I have to agree with Capt. Glen that instead of moaning over yesterday, it is better to look forward to tomorrow. While we live, we hope, and sometimes we are lucky.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Champagne Strings at Mozart Tea

News from today, pictures from before

May 1st, and I'm way behind in posting pictures, etc. Yesterday was a lovely day (again!) which we spent in Valencia. It's a beautiful city, with a very modern, new section full of exciting architecture, and an old section which is equally interesting. Today, we are inundated with things to do, and I even skipped bridge this afternoon in favor of the Mozart Tea. Later, there is a party for the singles and unaccompanied passengers, and I was able to talk Fred into going with me, as my experience from previous such affairs, is that if one doesn't dance or drink (and I don't do either) then it can be rather boring. However, Fred's argument is that if we go together, then we are not single! to which I say "who cares?!" I really like my table mates in the dining room, this segment, and last night all 6 of us went to the Silk Road, the Japanese Restaurant on board, and had a marvelous time. After dinner, tonight, there is "The Liars Club" which is a terrific bit of entertainment, and before we give up to Morpheus, there is the ensemble of Champagne Strings to listen to, in the Crystal Foyer.
It's already Thursday, and we will sadly take our leave on Wednesday. Tomorrow is Gibraltar, but we may not even go ashore. The ship is only there for a few hours.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Fishing Nets in Cochin, India

Some things are still done in an old fashioned way, and this is one of them. The nets are lowered into the water and left overnight. In the morning they are retrieved, full of fish!
People lined up on both sides of the water as our huge ship passed in the early evening.
In just 9 days, this trip will be over, and I think every so-called "world passenger" feels just as I do, namely: we would like it to continue! It's truly a wonderful and delightful experience!

Party time, and another beautiful sunset!

This was a surprise non-birthday Party for Morty Geisler, who will be 90 on May 17th, but Irene ( pictured next to him) was only here for two segments, so the party took place early.
I have taken many pictures of the sunrise and the sunset on this voyage, and one is more spectacular than the other.
I am just back from a wonderful day of visiting both the seaside and the alps surrounding Monaco together with Fred and Karin Sotirovic, who was a wonderful hostess.
Yesterday, Marlyse and family were here on the ship to visit and enjoy! They went swimming, played ball, came for high tea, etc. and we topped it all off with dinner at the Silk Road (a Nobu Restaurant here on board). Now, we are under way again, heading for Valencia, Spain.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Catching up

It hardly seems possible that so much time has flown past! It is already April 24th, and we will be landing in Sicily very shortly, but my last entry was from Singapore, and that was weeks ago!
Since then, we have been to Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar , and India (Cochin & Mumbai ) plus Egypt, and Crete. I do have pictures to post, but not today, since I have to get ready for today's tour: Sicilian style, Cooking and Gardening. Tomorrow is the port of Naples, with a tour to Pompeii. Although I have already been there years ago, I thought it couldn't hurt to revisit. In fact, all of the tours that are offered are things that Marcel and I did a long time ago. On Friday, Fred invieted me to join him for a private tour of Rome; seems he hired a car and driver before he even started the cruise. Tomorrow night, the ship offers us a special dinner and entertainment in Rome and then, it's on to Monte Carlo on the 27th, where Marlyse and family will join me for the day. Is it any wonder that I have had no time to keep this blog up to date! Every day is packed full of activities. Last night, we went to Karaoke, but that wasn't quite as much fun as the night before, when the ship offered a "Holiday in Rome" party! There will be lots to remember from this trip, and I imagine I will be truly sorry when it is over.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Queen of Heaven; info on the Chinese Temple

The little man is holding up the roof; seems there was a disagreement between the architect and the builder, and this was the way the builder got his revenge! The central figure on the dias, pictured below is the Queen of Heaven... see story on the right, above.
This is all for today; now I go for a steam bath, music lesson, bridge lesson, Spanish lesson lunch, and today, we decided to skp bridge and go to the Mozart Tea, with typical pastries from Austria, and music of the period. Then comes the rest of the day, and evening entertainment!
Do you wonder that I am too tired to write in a diary at that point?!

Singapore, the famous Raffles Hotel & its drink

We ended the day at the Raffles, in the long bar. The peanuts are all over the table, only because we had not yet thrown them on the floor, like everyone else does. The drink is as famous as the hotel, but amnesia/ senility has set in, and I can only remember "the" with the adjective missing!

Singapore, Chinese temple

Unfortunately, it is now three weeks ago since we were in Singapore, and I have forgotten the story of the central character on the dias. There have been so very many new experiences and sights almost every day, that it has become almost impossible for me to keep everything in order. Unfortunately, also, I was always too tired at the end of each day to keep a diary! It is amazing to me now (April 15th) that after three months, Iam still enjoying each day and not at all anxious for the trip to be over!

Singapore, Botanical Garden

Heidi, I took oodles of pictures here that I will show you once I am back!

Singapore, lion symbol and in back of waterfall


some of you in ZIwa will remembrer Judy; we had a lovely day together, and went for a delicious Chinese dinner of dim sum.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ko Samui, typical scenes

  1. Note the exposed wires, and the back alley. That's Fred, my bridge partner, who went with me to shop that day.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Myanmar, Typical scene (probably rice field)


In order to approach the ship, one has to pass through security (as in every port), but in Yangon the security people were really far away from the dock, and when we visited Shwedagon Pagoda at night, the taxi couldn't go beyond the security station, which meant that we (4 of us) were going to have to walk! First, we didn't manage to take the right road, and ended up behind a closed fence which meant backtracking, etc. It was late and we were really tired! but we had to keep going, of course. Finally and fortunately, a shuttle bus appeared that was returning to the ship, and we were able to hitch a ride the rest of the way!

Typical scenes in Yangon


Although the Shwedeagon Pagoda is elaborate, ornate, wealthy, rich, and beautiful, the rest of the area is poor, shabby, in need of repair, neglected, and sad looking. There are few cars on the roads, and then only rather old looking. However, there are throngs of people in the cafés in the early evening. During the daytime, there are fewer people, but they all sit at tables and chairs that look like they should be in a doll house, or for children's use, as they are so low and small.

Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar

Leaving Phuket

Thai dancers

Friday, April 4, 2008

Phuket , Thailand

This is part of the Chelong Temple on the right.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Sunset in Pataya the next evening

Both the sunsets and the sunrise are often spectacular, and for the past two nights (March 29 and 30, on the way to and from Phuket) there were lightening discharges all through the night. Every few seconds the sky would light up! However, there was no sound of thunder to be heard.
The round ball in this picture is the sun setting!
Today, March 31st, I managed to get outside and walk on the deck, same as yesterday (only yesterday, I had company!). However, yesterday it was hot and sunny, and today it was comfortable and breezy. Tomorrow, we land in Yangon (formerly Rangoon) and it will already be April 1st! My, how the time has flown since January. I guess the saying is true that time flies when there are interesting things to do. However, I have to admit that my bridge game has not really improved a great deal, and I can't seem to lose any of the weight I gained in the first few weeks!
In Rangoon a few of us are hiring a taxi to take us to visit the famous Shwedagon Pagoda at night. That's it for today! I'm always glad to hear from any of you that care to write, even if I don't manage to answer you individually. All good wishes, Ann

The sunsets are beautiful!